Senin, 20 September 2010


Ini lirik ciptaan Vidia Isabella Ayurshilla. Tapi parahnya, lagu ini belum ada akustik gitar, sementara saya belajar gitar, biar nggak lupa ini ditaro di blog dulu.Okay, check this out!

When I was in disaster
When I'm in trouble
When I was sad, when I'm happy

You're always there for me
Yeah, it's you, it's you my best friend

Friend,  you're with me till the end
Who had been listening my life story
The only one who understands me

You listen to my story, my complain, about my boyfriend, my first kiss.
Hoo, you're is my best friend.

When we argue
But you still forgive me even though we fight
Our anger subsided by our laughter
Anger turned into friendship