Selasa, 25 Januari 2011

Yours Again

Umm, this is what I do when I nothing to do. Lagi iseng buat lirik lagu dan berhubung gue nggak berbakat musik, tidak ada nadanya. Yahh, sebenernya gue bikin ini pas nggak ada feel apa-apa. Sekedar iseng, ini pun bukan curahan hati gue. Pengen ngikutin Jejak John Vesely aja. By the way, gue di follback lhoooo sama John Vesely (emang penting?), bahagianyaaaa, nge-fly saya. Yeah, gue tau bahasa yang gue buat ini gadungan banget, tapi seengaknya gue nggak buka kamus. Lirik ini dibuat sekitar tidak sampai setengah jam. Sooo, check this out and hope you'll be enjoy this :)

I take a deep breath
And feel you here
Seems like here
Do you feel this atmosphere?
Feel this hearts
Song to you, a sad songs

I hold you know, with you
And I ready to let you go now

I want seems 'never see you again'
But I can't
You're still make me feel in heaven
You're make me feel alive
Can I be yours once again?
And tell the world you is mine

I want never know you
I want never have this feel for ya
Rewind all, when feel it coming
And hope never see you again

It's over now
Don't call me again
But I can't lie
About the things that I still love you

And someday, when I see you again
What should I do?
What should I say to you?
It's 'hello' enough?
Or I say the truth?
That I just thinking of you?
That your calm face on my mind?


Gitu doang sih. Karya ini asli dibuat oleh Vidia Isabella Ayurshilla.

Komentar: Padahal gue setuju banget lagunya Paramore yang Ignorance yang liriknya: "Don't wanna hear you sad song" tapi ada lirik gitu diatas. Yah, nyelon amat gue. Lagi menye-menye, efek dari baca komik cewek. Dan sebenernya gue nggak suka orang yang bikin status atau tweet tentang cintaaaa muluuuu. Yeah, gue akuin gue suka dan penggila drama, komik, atau novel yang romantis. Dan gue suka adegannya, karena yeah, gue kan cewek tulen secara.

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